Dental Services in Islamabad -RCS

A beautiful smile reveals a person’s hidden enchantress, liveliness and exuberance. That person could be you if your oral health allows you to paint your true self through a sparkling smile. Optimal dental health is imperative to wear a tempting and appealing smile. Dental services in Islamabad address different mouth-related issues, help you maintain good oral health and create a beautiful and lovely smile.

The Phenomenon Of Dental Services:

Dental care is imperative for overall health. A person dealing with dental issues cannot wear a pleasing smile or be fully satisfied. Dietary habits and poor oral hygiene can cause several oral conditions that can even disturb the overall well-being of an individual. Dental services in Islamabad is a broader concept covering treatments and healthcare practices required to treat dental issues and improve oral health.  

Medical procedures and treatments that are performed to diagnose and treat dental issues are dubbed dental services. This broad spectrum of services assists us in detecting teeth-related issues, treating different issues such as gum diseases, enhancing the smile’s aesthetics, and improving oral and overall well-being. Oral services at Royal Cosmetic Islamabad treat your dental issues and make your smile more appealing and beautiful.

A List Of Dental Issues:

  • Decay in tooth enamel
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Discoloration of the tooth
  • Gum diseases
  • Tooth erosion

Common Causes Of Dental Issues:

  • Dietary habits
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Medical conditions
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Injury or trauma
  • Use of certain medicines

Top Benefits Of Dental Services

  • Help in detecting and diagnosing oral issues
  • Provide relief from pain and discomfort
  • Deal with tooth-related issues and diseases
  • Treat individual’s specific issues
  • Corrects misaligned teeth and enhances teeth aesthetics
  • Improve overall oral health and beautify the smile

Dental Services In Islamabad:

If you are dealing with oral health issues, then you should seek appropriate treatment. Optimal oral health is incumbent for overall well-being and maintaining your efficiency.

Dental Implants In Islamabad

These implants are basically artificial tooth roots that are placed into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth and prevent bone loss. These implants serve as strong and firm foundations for teeth replacements. If you have decayed or lost teeth, then this treatment replaces the functions and aesthetics of the decayed or missing tooth. Dental implants in Islamabad prevent tooth shifting and augment aesthetics and overall oral health.

Gum Recession Treatment

The gradual loss of gum tissues is called gum recession. Gum recession exposes tooth roots and causes tooth sensitivity. This oral issue also creates aesthetic concerns. Gum recession treatment in Islamabad protects tooth root exposure, deals with sensitivity and aesthetics concerns caused by this issue. If gum tissues that surround your teeth are losing, then this is the right treatment, which not only deals with this issue but also preserves natural teeth

Gum Grafting

Periodontal diseases and injuries can pull the gum tissue away from the tooth, exposing the tooth root and leading to sensitivity. Gum grafting involves the extraction of tissues from the roof of the mouth and transplantation of that tissue into the affected area of the mouth, reducing the sensitivity and improving oral health and aesthetics.

Dental Crown In Islamabad

This oral treatment is carried out to cover a damaged tooth. This is a custom-made restoration that is designed to cover up the exposed area of the tooth. Decayed or fractured teeth cause aesthetics and functional issues. In order to address the concerned problems, crowns are placed to protect against decay and restore the shape, size, and aesthetics of the teeth.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a dental procedure that is carried out to address issues such as stains and discoloration of the teeth and brighten the teeth. The accumulation of stains on the teeth reduces the charm and brightness of the teeth and also damages the aesthetics of a twinkling smile. Teeth whitening is a non-invasive procedure that utilizes whitening agents to remove stains from the teeth enamel and brighten the teeth.

Dental Braces

Several people have misaligned teeth that cause speech and bite issues. Dental braces are basically wires and bands that are used to apply gradual pressure on the teeth to correct overcrowding and misalignment of the teeth. Furthermore, this procedure also deals with issues such as overbites, underbites and improves teeth positioning.

Why Dental Services In Islamabad?

  • To maintain overall oral health
  • To address teeth-related issues
  • To detect issues and get timely treatment
  • To address aesthetic concerns and whiten the teeth
  • To enhance the perfection of the smile

How Much Do Dental Services Cost In Islamabad?

The cost of dental services in Islamabad largely depends on the type of treatment that you choose or are going to get based on your specific conditions. Further, the extent of the treatment also determines the overall price of attained services. In addition to that, the clinic’s location, available facilities, aftercare treatment, and the expertise of a practitioner also play a critical role in determining the cost of dental services. 

Best Dentist In Islamabad:

Several renowned dentists are serving in Islamabad and helping people to attain optimal dental health. If we consider the best option, then Dr. Usama Hayar Ghauri is one of the best dentists in Islamabad. He is a professional who always aims to serve the best, satisfy his patients and provide tailor-made treatments. His communication skills, dentistry prowess, years of experience and his patients’ relentless trust and confidence in his expertise make him one of the best dentists in Islamabad. If you are dealing with dental issues, then you must consider him if you want to restore your oral health and get the desired results.

Summing Up:

A beautiful smile brings pleasure and happiness and accentuates inner satisfaction, fulfillment and gratification. Oral health is of utmost importance. It maintains the aesthetics of the smile and also maintains overall health. Dental services in Islamabad deal with oral issues such as gum recession, discoloration, fractured or decayed teeth, add brightness and improve dental health. 

Book your appointment at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad to get back your sparkling smile! We offer tailor-made and personalized treatments to bring about desired results by dealing with specified issues of our patients.

Dental Services FAQs:

The cost of dental services in Islamabad mainly relied on the type and scope of the treatment. Usually, a person has to pay somewhere between PKR 8000 to PKR 35,000 to treat dental issues and restore oral health.
Dr. Usama Hayat Ghuri is one of the best dentists in Islamabad. His dentistry prowess, optimistic attitude, track record and consultation skills make him one of the best dentists in this locality.
Yes, it is possible to treat bad teeth. You can address any sort of dental issues and restore your oral health. Infected teeth can be treated based on their specific issue. Treatments such as gum disease treatment in Islamabad, fillings, and root canal treatment are a few procedures used to treat bad teeth.
Normally, this is not a painful procedure because anesthesia is used to ensure a painless experience. You may feel minor to little pain, but this sensation can be effectively managed.