It can be challenging to lose unwanted stubborn fat deposits like double chins, flanks, saddlebags, bra rolls, and abdominal fats through exercise and diet alone. According to statistics, most people gravitate toward nonsurgical cosmetic procedures, and fat removal is no exception.
However, CoolSculpting Fat Freezing in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Pakistan is one of the best non-surgical methods for removing fat. CoolSculpting is a procedure that freezes away unwanted fat cells and is very successful at doing so.
This page will teach you everything about its procedure, results, candidacy criteria, benefits, cost, and many more. So, keep reading to dive into the details.
To know about cool sculpting fat freezing in Islamabad:
With the aid of skilled professionals, remove unwanted fatty deposits without surgery using the CoolSculpting procedure. A non-surgical method with no recovery time, CoolSculpting is a great substitute for liposuction. Anesthesia, time off from work, compression clothing, or weekly massages like those after liposuction are not necessary for the procedure.
By freezing fatty deposits, CoolSculpting allows the body to eliminate them through digestion. It is an innovative, safe, and FDA-approved procedure.
Various Body parts can be treated.
The following body parts can all benefit from this fat-freezing procedure for reducing unwanted fat deposits:
- Arms – Reduce the visible fat under and on the upper arms.
- Chin – Destroy the stubborn fat deposits under the chin that are typically difficult to treat.
- Abdomen – Reduce the belly fat that distorts the appearance of the six-pack muscles.
- Flanks/ love handles – Decrease the amount of fat stored in love handles to help reshape and define this area.
- Thighs – The inner and outer thighs should be free of extra fat.
- Bra fat – Reduce the visibility of bra roll fat.
- Back fat – reduces the fat from your back’s upper, middle, and lower regions.
Our Best Results:
After the fat freezing procedure, you might experience some redness, swelling, and soreness in the treated area. These are minor side effects that go away quickly.
The results will become apparent within two to three months after the treatment. Typically, this is based on the treated area. They take time to manifest. You must continue to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Moreover, choosing an expert practitioner plays a major role in accurate results. So, always select a board-certified practitioner and take good care of your health if you really want to achieve effective results.
The Benefits of cool sculpting:
Generally, there are several types of benefits of this treatment. Some major benefits are mentioned below.
- No requirement for anesthesia or pain medication. After the session, you can get back to your regular activities.
- It can sculpt the body’s lines by only removing fat from unneeded areas. It sets CoolSculpting apart from diets, which frequently causes people to lose weight in undesirable places.
- There is no preparation required for the procedure. Before the session, the patient doesn’t need to starve or place any kind of restrictions on himself.
- There aren’t many side effects from the treatment. It does not cause skin rashes or allergies.
- There is little recovery time and no need for extensive rehabilitation.
Precautions To Take:
A senior practitioner will examine your problem areas and assess the amount of fat there to decide whether you are a candidate for the procedure.
The specialist will also determine the number of sessions required to produce the desired results. The specialist will modify your CoolSculpting Fat Freezing in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Pakistan plan based on your treatment preferences.
Here are a few precautions that are necessary to follow before the procedure.
- Do not take blood thinners like aspirin.
- Avoid smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol.
- Maintain your diet and keep yourself hydrated.
- If you have any other issues, inform your practitioner.
How It Will Perform:
The procedure can take anywhere from 35 minutes to an hour per session, depending on the target area. It can be done without anesthesia as an outpatient procedure.
Based on the treatment area, the doctor will decide which cooling device to use during the procedure. Before the cooling device moves over the area, a gel pad is placed on the targeted site. You will feel the device’s suction and light cooling.
The target area is massaged after the gel pad is taken off to ensure that the fat cells are properly broken down. You can avoid having to go through additional treatment sessions by treating multiple areas simultaneously.
Who can Be the Right candidate:
It’s important to understand that fat freezing in Islamabad cannot treat obesity or substitute for a balanced diet and regular exercise. However, this procedure might be perfect for you if you have trouble spots where fat builds up despite dieting and exercise. It can smooth, reshape, and re-contour these troublesome areas.
Our knowledgeable staff at RCS will assist you in determining whether this treatment is appropriate for you and respond to your questions regarding the procedure and its outcome.
After The Procedure:
You may experience swelling, redness, itching, and bruising a few weeks after the procedure, but these side effects disappear. Non-invasive, inbound, and outbound appointments require no recovery time, and after an hour’s session, clients can resume their regular activities.
So, following the aftercare instructions that your practitioner will prescribe according to your health and treatment type is necessary.
Cost of cool Sculpting at RCS:
The cost of CoolSculpting Fat Freezing in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Pakistan are different for everyone as it depends on a few factors that can affect the cost of the treatment. Such as
- By experienced practitioner’s fee.
- Location and reputation of the clinic.
- Area size and type for cool sculpting,
- The number of sessions if required.
- Other additional charges.
Furthermore, if you want to know more about cost and its factor-related details, you can contact us or visit our clinic anytime. Our team will guide you accurately.
Book your Appointment with us:
The treatment of choice for those seeking an efficient nonsurgical fat removal method is CoolSculpting. Our skilled practitioners at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Clinic provide this precise and safe fat-freezing procedure.
To find out if cool sculpting in Islamabad is the best course of treatment for you, contact us by calling or completing our online form to schedule an appointment.
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