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What’s the difference between acne marks and acne scars?

Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and wondered why certain areas of your skin were so difficult to get rid of? Are acne scars and markings the same thing, or is your skin communicating a secret language that you’re still not understanding? What makes an acne scar different from a mark, and why does it matter? Learn More about What’s the difference between acne marks and acne scars. 

What’s the difference between acne marks and acne scars? 

Although they relate to different skin disorders, acne marks and acne scars are frequently used interchangeably.

Acne Marks (Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation)

Acne marks are dark spots or discolorations that remain after an acne lesion has healed. Instead of being actual scars, they are the outcome of inflammation and an increase in melanin synthesis brought on by the acne.

Colour: Depending on your skin tone, marks can be red, purple, brown, or black.

Texture: There are no elevated spots or indentations; the skin’s texture is normally regular.

Over time, marks may naturally disappear; however, certain skincare procedures, including exfoliation and the application of skin-brightening chemicals, can expedite this process.

Acne Scars:

Damage to the dermal collagen resulting from acne can produce changes in the texture of the skin. This kind of injury can leave the skin with elevated spots or depressions called indentations.

Types: There are several varieties of acne scars, such as rolling, boxcars, and ice pick scars.

Colour: Scars can turn discoloured; however, this discolouration frequently comes with textural changes.

Persistence: Unlike markings, scars usually don’t go away on their own. To improve the texture of the skin, more aggressive procedures like laser therapy, microneedling, or chemical peels may be necessary.

Ideal Candidates:

  • A kind of hyperpigmentation known as PIH appears after an inflammatory acne lesion. PIH-related brown or dark patches may be seen in ideal candidates.
  • Atrophic scars are skin indentations brought on by tissue loss. Candidates with rolling, boxcars, or icepick scars might be ideal.
  • Candidates should be in good overall health and not be ineligible for any particular therapy. The appropriateness of specific operations may be impacted by specific medical conditions or drugs.
  • Nominees should know that results may vary and that total scar eradication may not always be achievable. Setting reasonable expectations is essential to being happy with the outcome.

What treatments are there?

Topical Interventions:

Retinoids: Prescription retinoids, such as tretinoin, can lessen discolouration and assist the texture of the skin.

Vitamin C: Topical vitamin C serums can encourage the formation of collagen and help lighten hyperpigmentation.

Chemical Peels:

In chemical peels, the top layer of skin is exfoliated using an acid solution, which encourages new, smoother skin formation.


To minimize the appearance of scars and blemishes, this process uses a machine to exfoliate the skin’s outer layer.

Laser Treatment:

Numerous laser procedures, including fractional laser therapy, can increase the production of collagen and enhance the skin’s texture.

Book us Now!

When you’re ready to move forward, we cordially invite you to set up a consultation with our knowledgeable and committed staff. Please get in touch, with Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad for more information on What’s the difference between acne marks and acne scars and rejuvenate your appearance. 


What’s the difference between acne marks and acne scars?

Inflammation and injury to the skin during the healing process are common causes of acne scars. After acne lesions heal, marks like hyperpigmentation may remain.
Acne scars might not always be completely removed. Nonetheless, several procedures can greatly enhance their appearance.
Rolling scars, boxcars, and icepick scars are common varieties. Rolling scars produce a wave-like texture, boxcar scars are wide and well-defined, and icepick scars are deep and narrow.

Surgical Options for Acne Scars: When to Consider Dermabrasion or Excision

surgical options for acne scars For many people, acne scars can be a frustrating and ongoing issue. Despite the fact that there are many non-surgical options, including microdermabrasion, some patients might need more aggressive treatment to get the desired results. In these circumstances, surgical procedures like dermabrasion or excision might be required. Read on to learn more about Surgical Options for Acne Scars: When to Consider Dermabrasion or Excision here. 

Ideal Candidates for Dermabrasion and Excision:

  • Individuals with deep, persistent acne scars that have not improved with non-surgical treatments are good candidates for dermabrasion and excision. 
  • They should have reasonable expectations for the procedure’s outcomes and be in good general health. 
  • In order to ensure proper healing and lower the risk of complications, candidates must also be prepared to carefully follow post-operative instructions. 
  • If dermabrasion or excision is the better choice for a person’s unique needs, a consultation with a qualified provider can help.

Can Everyone Get Acne Scar Treatment?

Acne scar treatment is not available to everyone. Candidates for the treatment of acne scars must be in good general health and have reasonable expectations for the outcome of the procedure. Additionally, some types of treatments for acne scars may not be appropriate for people with particular skin types or medical conditions. To ascertain whether acne scar treatment is suitable for a person’s unique needs, it is crucial to speak with a qualified provider.

Procedure of Dermabrasion:

With the help of a fast-rotating device, the top layer of skin is removed during dermabrasion. This can help to smooth out the skin’s texture and lessen the visibility of acne scars. 

Procedure of Excision:

Excision, on the other hand, entails removing the scar tissue and reconstructing the skin using stitches. Deeper scars that cannot be treated using other techniques typically use this.


Even though these procedures have a chance to be successful, they are also more invasive than non-surgical alternatives. They also take longer to recover from. Before opting to have any kind of surgical procedure, it is crucial to carefully weigh the risks and benefits.

Results of Dermabrasion For Acne Scars:

  • To make acne scars look less noticeable, dermabrasion is a procedure that involves removing the top layer of skin. 
  • The effectiveness of dermabrasion for acne scars can vary depending on the degree of scarring, the patient’s skin type, and the provider’s skill.
  • Dermabrasion can generally be effective in lessening the visibility of acne scars. 
  • To get the desired results, though, it might take a few treatments, and there might be a little bit of swelling and redness after each one. T
  • o ensure proper healing and reduce the risk of complications, it is crucial to carefully adhere to the provider’s aftercare instructions.

It is also important to keep in mind that not all types of acne scars may respond well to dermabrasion. Other types of treatments, like chemical peels or laser resurfacing, might be necessary for some scars. Based on a person’s unique needs and goals, a qualified provider can assist in choosing the best treatment strategy.

Results of Excision For Acne Scars:

  • Depending on the type and severity of the scars under treatment, excision for acne scars can produce a variety of results. 
  • Excision is a surgical procedure in which we close the skin with sutures after the scar tissue removal. In some instances, excision can significantly lessen the size and depth of acne scars while also smoothing the skin around them. 
  • However, depending on how well the skin heals and the surgeon’s skill, excision can also leave a new scar in its place, which may be less obvious or a different type of scar.

It’s crucial to remember that other treatments, such as chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, or injections, may be more effective than excision as a treatment for acne scars. Consult a dermatologist or plastic surgeon as soon as possible to

Need of an Experienced Provider:

Choose a trusted provider with experience in these procedures if you’re thinking about dermabrasion or excision for your acne scars. A leading provider of cosmetic surgery in Pakistan, Royal Cosmetics Islamabad offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical options for enhancing skin texture and minimizing acne scars.

Book Your Consultation at Royal Cosmetics Islamabad:

Our team of skilled surgeons and medical experts at Royal Cosmetics Islamabad will collaborate with you to choose the most effective course of action for your particular needs. To ensure that our patients receive the best outcomes with the least amount of discomfort and downtime, we employ the most recent techniques and technologies.

Make an appointment at Royal Cosmetics Islamabad right away if you want to learn more about dermabrasion or excision for acne scars. If you have any questions, our staff will be happy to address them and assist you in determining whether surgical options are best for you.

What You Need to Know About Dermabrasion for Acne Scars

 If you’re struggling with acne scars, you’re not alone. Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available, including dermabrasion. At Royal Cosmetics Islamabad, we offer dermabrasion as a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of acne scars. In this blog, we’ll walk you through what you need to know about dermabrasion for acne scars in Islamabad.

Am I an Ideal Candidate for Microdermabrasion?

The best person to assess your suitability for microdermabrasion is your dermatologist at Royal Cosmetics Islamabad. However, in general, people who want to get rid of age spots, uneven discoloration, sun damage, minor acne scars, shallow wrinkles and lines, clogged pores, and issues with skin texture are the best candidates for the procedure. Mild cases of rosacea and acne can also be helped by microdermabrasion because it can clear up imperfections and reveal new, healthy skin.

Dermabrasion is typically recommended for those who:

  • Have acne scars that have not responded to other treatments
  • Are in good overall health
  • Have realistic expectations for the outcome of the treatment
  • Are not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Do not have a history of abnormal scarring

Who’s Not an Ideal Candidate for Microdermabrasion?

In general, Royal Cosmetics Islamabad microdermabrasion isn’t recommended for certain individuals.

  • Who are pregnant and those with severe and active acne
  • Have deep scars, undiagnosed lesions, active keloids, facial warts
  • Had a recent case of herpes, unmanaged diabetes, and an autoimmune disorder.
  • People who have severe or moderate skin defects or conditions as well as deeper lines, creases, or scars would benefit more from stronger skin procedures such as laser therapy and chemical peels.

What is Dermabrasion?

Dermabrasion is a method of skin resurfacing that removes the topmost layer of skin using a specialized tool. Collagen is produced more quickly as a result of this process, which helps to cover acne scars and enhance the overall texture and tone of your skin. Acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven skin tone are all frequently treated with dermabrasion.

What Happens During the Procedure?

Your dermatologist will use a local anesthetic to numb the affected area prior to the procedure. The topmost layer of skin will then be removed using a specialized tool. Depending on the size and location of the area being treated, this procedure typically lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. Your dermatologist will apply a moisturizer and a bandage to your skin after the procedure to protect it.

What is the Recovery Process Like?

Your skin will be red and swollen for a few days following the procedure. Additionally, you might feel some discomfort and pain, which over-the-counter painkillers can help you manage. During the healing process, your dermatologist will give you specific instructions on how to take care of your skin, which may include:

  • Keeping the treated area clean and moisturized
  • Avoiding sun exposure and wearing sunscreen
  • Using a gentle cleanser and avoiding harsh skincare products
  • Avoiding strenuous activity and exercise

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects?

Like all medical procedures, dermabrasion carries some risks and side effects. These may include:

  • Redness and swelling
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Changes in skin color

However, these risks can be minimized by choosing a qualified dermatologist and following their post-treatment instructions carefully.

Why Should I Consider Microdermabrasion For Acne Scar Treatment?

For one, this treatment is minimally invasive and causes little to no pain. Most patients don’t even require numbing cream; those who choose a more intensive treatment, like dermabrasion, will need this extra step. Also, microdermabrasion has very few side effects, and it requires very little downtime. It’s unlikely that you will experience anything worse than a little redness after a treatment, and the initial effects fade quickly.

Furthermore, because it is more accessible to a wider range of people than its more intensive cousin, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion is praised over it. However, it’s still important to discuss with Dr.Abida Sardar what you should expect from the procedure for your specific needs, skin type, etc. with regard to what you should expect from microdermabrasion. People of all skin colors, tones, and textures typically see better results from microdermabrasion than from other procedures.

Does Microdermabrasion Work On All Acne Scars?

Regrettably, no. The use of microdermabrasion on so-called depressed acne scars yields the best results. These are the scars that leave tiny pits on the skin’s surface. Microdermabrasion cannot be used to treat deeper scars, such as ice pick and boxcar scars, because they extend below the epidermis and are inaccessible by this superficial procedure.


Dermabrasion is a secure and reliable method of treating acne scars. Our skilled dermatologists at Royal Cosmetics Islamabad can use dermabrasion to give your skin a smoother, more even tone. Make an appointment with us right away if you want to learn more about dermabrasion or other methods of treating acne scars.

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