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Can Drip Cause Weight Gain?

Ever worried if Is it possible that your intravenous (IV) treatment is making you gain weight? The idea of gaining weight immediately can be disheartening if you’re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You may be worried about how IV drips affect your health and if they impact your weight loss goals. Can Drip Cause Weight Gain?

So let’s explore this topic a little more and see if those extra pounds are the result of IV drips. We’ll discuss the possible factors contributing to weight gain and how IV drip medications might fit into the picture. We can determine whether IV drips are causing our weight goals by comprehending the science underlying them and how they affect the body. Therefore, you’re in an ideal situation if you’ve been feeling uneasy about how IV drips affect your weight. 

How Does Drip Treatment Cause Weight Gain?

IV drip treatment, also known as intravenous treatment, is the arrangement of liquids, electrolytes, nutrients, and medications to be administered directly into the circulatory system using a needle and cylinder. This method circumvents the stomach-related framework and considers the rapid absorption of products and supplements.

IV drip treatment is planned to renew liquids, give prescriptions, recharge supplements, and oversee different circumstances. IV dribbles are intended to give essential liquids and supplements straight into the circulation system to quickly reestablish hydration, address lopsided characteristics, and advance general well-being.

How Does It Works:

IV drip treatments function by directly infusing drinks and supplements into the bloodstream, avoiding the stomach’s supporting structure and ensuring complete absorption. This considers the rapid delivery of essential substances to all of the body’s cells and tissues, facilitating electrolyte replacement, hydration, and the case-by-case administration of prescriptions. IV drip treatment generally aims to improve prosperity and well-being by addressing specific clinical needs and improving overall health.

Procedure Details:

  • The patient’s requirements are discussed during the initial consultation for IV drip therapy. 
  • The region where the IV will be placed is desensitized with a local sedative to ensure minimal inconvenience. 
  • An entry point is made in a vein, generally in the arm, to embed the IV needle and get admission to the circulatory system.
  • Connected to the needle and gradually managed, the IV dripble holds drinks, electrolytes, nutrients, or medicines.
  • Throughout the treatment, the patient’s vital signs are continuously checked to guarantee safety and appropriate fluid intake.
  • Upon completion of the IV drip, the needle is removed, and the inclusion site may be swabbed.
  • It is possible to schedule follow-up appointments to monitor progress and adjust treatment as necessary.

Raised Hydration to Support Weight Gain:

  • By replenishing essential liquids and vitamins lost due to dehydration, intravenous drips can improve overall well-being.
  • An improved appearance of skin tone and energy level can result from IV drips that provide deeper hydration.
  • By administering basic vitamins that improve brain capacity and temperament regulation, IV drips can support psychological well-being.
  • Reducing downtime from dehydration or nutrient deficits allows for more engagement in daily activities and productivity.
  • Helpful admittance to IV drip therapy can seamlessly integrate into busy lifestyles, promoting regularity in maintaining health.
  • By replenishing electrolytes and providing nutrients that boost energy, IV drips can improve sports performance.
  • Improved IV drip safety can reduce the severity and recurrence of illnesses, improving quality of life.

How Much Does an IV Drip Cost?

The IV Drip cost in Islamabad starts from PKR 8,500. The cost might shift from one individual to another, as various elements influence the expense of the treatment method. Factors like the number of meetings, dermatologist aptitude, and sort of treatment will influence the general expense of the methodology. To learn about the precise cost, make sure you consult our team.

Book Your Consultation: 

If you want to learn more about Drip in Pakistan or find out if you qualify, contact Royal Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Islamabad now to schedule a consultation. Fill out the form below or call us for an immediate solution.

What happens if you eat sugar while on Mounjaro?

Have you ever considered  What happens if you eat sugar while on Mounjaro? You could be worried about how it might affect your health  Is it really that horrible, though? Sugar’s impact on your treatment may cause you concern. Whatever the case, trust exists. You may need that Mounjaro that helps you in properly controlling your disease. If you understand the relationship with sugar, you can make wise choices. With this treatment, you can take control of your health and yet allow yourself the odd treat. So what happens if you eat sugar while hiking Mount Kilimanjaro? To keep stay, we need to investigate how this operates and what you truly want to know.

Understand the Concept About Mounjaro:

The medication for diabetes The treatment for type 2 diabetes is Mounjaro. It backs the leaders with strong glucose. The goal of the therapy is to improve your general health. It functions by boosting your body’s synthesis of insulin. Eating lowers blood sugar levels. Going up Peak Mounjaro also lowers the liver’s production of sugar. You can help maintain a stable blood glucose level throughout the day by doing this.

The duration of treatment is an aspect of a broad diabetes care plan of action. This includes food, exercise, and routine observation. Mounjaro may lower the chance of complications from diabetes. Long-term, it facilitates improved well-being outcomes. For the majority, it provides a path to a better, more reasonable diabetic presence.

Positive Results After Mounjar Treatment:

A few positive results are likely to follow Mounjaro’s Treatment. Blood sugar levels don’t change over time. Diabetes-related problems are therefore less likely to arise. Different people feel their energies increase. Weighing the executives often becomes easy. Mounjaro helps people lose weight, which is good for their general health. 

Furthermore, treatment could lower blood sugar levels readings. Over time, this is essential for managing diabetes. Patients often report feeling more in control of their blood sugar levels daily. Increased prosperity and well-being are typical results. Getting regular check-ups with your primary care surgeon helps to make sure the treatment is having the desired effect. then life gets easier to manage and grows better.

Post-Mounjaro New Procedure Layout:

  • The Mounjaro treatment starts with medication to guarantee the patient’s comfort.
  • Within the area under consideration, experts create precise access points.
  • Part of the process involves very careful cutting and shaping of the tissue.
  • Different surgical tools are utilized for more delicate operations. 
  • Fasteners are used to seal the entrance sites and secure the new design.
  • Applying a dressing to a wound promotes quicker healing and area protection.
  • Follow-up meetings are essential to analyzing recovery in detail and monitoring any issues.
  • Periodic exams provide status updates and ensure optimum recovery.
  • Several meetings may be necessary for painless medication to have the optimum benefits.
  • Regular checks ensure the treatment’s efficacy and make any necessary adjustments.

Long-Term Advantages of Using Mounjaro for Diabetes Control:

  • Use to Overall Wealth: By controlling your blood sugar levels, Mounjaro enhances your general well-being.
  • Style Upgrade: Improving your looks and keeping a better grip on your blood sugar levels.
  • Positive effect on mental health: Maintaining stable blood sugar levels reduces mood fluctuations and improves mental clarity.
  • Reduced Downtime: Less blood sugar swings mean less tiredness and more energy for daily duties.
  • Every Day Less Timetable: Maintaining steady blood sugar levels makes planning a feast less stressful and easy.
  • Wide Belief: Looks and further wealth provide assurance and certainty.
  • Increased personal satisfaction: Living a more active and fulfilling life with fewer attachments is the outcome of therapy at Mount Kilimanjaro.
  • Long-Term Health Benefits: Maintaining control of diabetes increases life expectancy and decreases the risk of serious health issues.

The Cost of Mounjaro Treatment in Islamabad:

In Islamabad, the average cost of a Mounjaro Treatment is PKR 20,000. Because each patient has different objectives and health conditions, the price will be different for each client. Make sure you talk to the surgeon if you want to know the exact cost based on your results.

Book Your Consultation Right Now! 

Please complete the form below to schedule a consultation for Mounjaro Treatment in Pakistan. To make an appointment, contact the clinic by phone or chat. We will schedule your advance visit with our Royal Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Islamabad experts.

How many sessions of P-shot injections do I need

P-shot injections in Islamabad treat erectile dysfunction, increase the girth of the penis, enhance penile functions and improve an individual’s performance in bed. In short, this is a non-surgical procedure that restores sexual functions, adds satisfaction and enables a person to enjoy his private moments and strengthen his relationship with his partner.  

Sexual health is as important as physical health. The ability of a man to satisfy his partner develops the basis of their relations, strengthens their bonds, allows them to have normal intercourse and also makes a man confident and self-assured. If a man is unable to maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance or if he is not happy with the size, he may suffer.

Understanding This Treatment:

Penile implant in Islamabad is a surgical procedure to address erectile dysfunction. Considering its surgical nature, many patients think of avoiding it. For people who avoid surgical interventions, we offer P-shot injections, a non-surgical approach to meet their ends. 

Basically, this is a medical procedure in which a professional injects platelet-rich plasma into the penis. It is an effective, affordable and suitable approach, especially for people who seek minimally invasive techniques to restore their sexual health and treat erectile dysfunctions and size-related concerns.

Enjoy Your Moments: Core Benefits

  • First of all, it is a minimally invasive method and does not involve cuts and incisions
  • Improve blood flow to the penis and enhance its functioning
  • Eliminates inability to maintain the erection required for satisfactory intercourse
  • Increases the girth and enhances the size
  • Adds to the joy and makes an individual satisfy his partner
  • Boosts the confidence and self-esteem of an individual

What Improvements Will I Get?

This treatment offers several benefits. This treatment will

  • Increase blood flow to the penis
  • Add to the firmness and quality of your erections
  • Increase the girth and size of the penis
  • Enhance satisfaction and make intercourse satisfactory
  • Make a person enjoy intimacy and his sexual life
  • Increases sensitivity and the element of pleasure

How Many Sessions Of P-Shot Injections Do I Need?

This is a medical procedure that entails injecting PRP into the penis of an individual to deal with numerous sexual issues. Everyone’s requirements and needs are different, and they cannot receive the same number of sessions of P-shot injections. So, the number of sessions varies from person to person, mainly because of their specific objectives and requirements. 

A surgeon determines this based on his analysis of a patient’s condition. Some people get benefits with just a single session. Normally, surgeons recommend more than one shot. Some people get two shots spaced one month apart, and some require more. Therefore, there is a definitive answer to this query. A person must visit his doctor to learn more about this technique and his specific needs. At RCS, our experts take care of every consideration that could affect its results, discuss your concerns, issues and objectives and design their strategies accordingly. Also, they keep it confidential.

The Bottom Line:

A person’s sexual health defines his level of happiness, satisfaction and efficiency. If he is not able to satisfy his partner in bed, he may not live a happy life and succumb to depression and anxiety. P-shot injections in Islamabad increase the girth and size of the penis. This treatment also increases blood flow to the penis. It treats erectile dysfunction and allows a man to maintain an erection required for a satisfactory erection. Normally, the requirements and objectives of every person are not the same. Given that, the scope of this procedure also varies from individual to individual. Visit RCS to learn about your specific treatment requirements.

Schedule your appointment at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad to address your sexual problems, treat erectile dysfunction, deal with concerns related to size, increase size and girth, improve your position in bed and satisfy your partner during intimacy. We treat all your intimacy-related issues and bring about your desired results by providing personalized treatments.


How many sessions of P-shot injections do I need

There is no specific regulation regarding it. You can receive another shot if the results of the first shot diminish. Furthermore, your doctor will decide your criteria based on your specific requirements and conditions. 
The cost of P-shot in Islamabad ranges from 25,000 PKR to 30,000 PKR. The cost may fluctuate because of the specific needs of a patient, additional treatments, the clinic’s location and the expertise of a surgeon.
People dealing with erectile dysfunction or unsatisfied with their performance in bed and seeking a minimally invasive yet effective procedure are good candidates for P-shot treatment in Islamabad. 

Why do foreigners prefer to get Liposuction in Pakistan?

Everyone desires to receive top-notch services at a feasible cost. It is not easy to meet these terms. You can get first-class treatment in countries like the USA, Canada, the UK, and Australia. Without a doubt, all these options are expensive, and people can hardly afford cosmetic treatments such as Liposuction in those nations. 

On the other hand, there are some countries that offer these procedures at a cheaper rate, but you will not get satisfactory treatment because the quality of services is not at par in those countries. 

When it comes to cosmetic surgeries, Pakistan is no less. The standard of cosmetic surgery is, though, not equivalent to other countries like the USA and Canada, but it is improving day by day, attracting foreigners in bulk to get cosmetic procedures. It offers cheap treatments compared to other states, making it a worth-considering option for body contouring.

Let’s Understand Liposuction in Pakistan:

Lipoplasty is a cosmetic procedure carried out to remove excess fat and skin from specific areas of the body. An incision is made during the treatment, and extra fat or skin is suctioned out with the help of a cannula. The aim of this treatment is to improve the contour and proportions of the body, developing a charismatic personality. Fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise can easily be targeted via this cosmetic treatment.

Top Benefits Of This Body Contouring Procedure:

  • Removes targeted fat deposits from the body and creates a sculpted and contoured appearance
  • Enhances personality aesthetics of a person by developing a desirable body shape
  • Offers immediate results and increases clothing options for a person
  • Reduces the number of fat cells and also eliminates obesity-related issues

Why Do Foreigners Prefer To Get Liposuction In Pakistan?

Cost Factor

Everyone considers the cost of a procedure. Though the expertise of a surgeon and the possibility of better results come first but, we cannot neglect the cost factor altogether. Liposuction treatment in Pakistan is quite cheaper and more affordable than in Western Nations. Lower treatment cost attracts people to get this procedure in Pakistan.

Top-Notch Treatment

Pakistan has developed a decent reputation in the cosmetic field. Many of our surgeons are foreign graduates and have served abroad. So, we do not lack expertise. Our surgeons offer personalised treatments and utilise advanced treatment strategies to bring about desired results. At Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad, you will experience high-class treatment services.

Latest Facilities

The scope of the cosmetic field is expanding rapidly. It is evolving day by day. Luckily, Pakistan is following these trends and adopting modern or latest standards. People observe and consider these factors that make them visit this country and undergo Liposuction to meet their personal ends.

Multipurpose Visit

The natural beauty of Pakistan has no comparison. It attracts tourists from all over the world. People often come here to visit the country and then decide to undergo Liposuction. So, this cultural aspect also boosts the clientage for Liposuction in Pakistan.

Cost Of Liposuction In Pakistan:

The cost of Liposuction in Pakistan starts from PKR 145,000 (but may vary depending on several factors). The cost is quite cheaper here than in Western states because of the cheap economy of the country. If you are also considering Liposuction, then choosing Pakistan for your treatment can be one of your best decisions.

The Bottom Line:

Liposuction in Pakistan is a cosmetic procedure that is performed to remove extra fat and skin from the targeted areas of the body. Fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise can easily be removed or treated via this body contouring procedure. People always consider feasible options. Pakistani clinics offer state-of-the-art facilities at economical rates, attracting foreigners to get Liposuction.

Schedule your appointment at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad, Pakistan, to improve your body aesthetics. Our team of experts offers desired results by offering personalised results. We also offer aftercare treatments to assist our patients in getting optimal results. Visit our clinic, book your session, and let us make you slim and attractive.


Why do foreigners prefer to get Liposuction in Pakistan?

The cost of Liposuction in Pakistan ranges from PKR145000. Pakistan offers quality treatments at economical rates because of its cheap economy. Furthermore, treatment standards are commendable in the country.
We cannot neglect risk factors. That’s why it is necessary to get the services of a skilled professional to limit the risk of adverse effects and get optimal results.
This treatment requires incisions or cuts. A surgeon uses local anaesthesia to make the procedure comfortable and painless. You will not experience any pain during treatment. You may experience pain and discomfort after surgery. Your surgeon will prescribe medicines to manage pain and discomfort.

What disqualifies you from Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery, commonly known as weight loss surgery, is a medical procedure that can be life-changing for individuals struggling with obesity and its associated health issues. However, only some are suitable candidates for this surgery. Bariatric surgery is a significant step that requires careful consideration, evaluation, and adherence to specific criteria. Here, we will delve into the factors that might disqualify individuals from undergoing bariatric surgery treatment.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery encompasses various procedures that help individuals lose weight by altering the digestive system’s anatomy or reducing the stomach’s size. Some of the most common types of bariatric surgery include gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, adjustable gastric banding, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch.

These surgeries are typically recommended for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher or a BMI of 35-39.9 with significant obesity-related health conditions.

Disqualifying Factors for Bariatric Surgery:

Here are the primary factors that disqualify this weight loss surgery:

BMI Below the Threshold:

Bariatric surgery is generally reserved for individuals with a certain level of obesity. If a person’s BMI is below the recommended range (usually below 35), they might not be considered suitable candidates for surgery. However, each case is unique, and a lower BMI might be acceptable if the individual has severe obesity-related health problems.

Medical Concerns:

Certain medical conditions can disqualify individuals from bariatric surgery due to potential complications. Conditions such as severe heart disease, uncontrolled high blood pressure, liver disease, kidney disease, and specific respiratory issues might make surgery too risky.

Psychological Readiness:

Bariatric surgery isn’t just a physical transformation and demands psychological preparedness. Candidates must demonstrate a realistic understanding of the surgery’s implications and are mentally ready to commit to the required lifestyle changes post-surgery. Individuals with severe untreated mental health conditions or unrealistic expectations may be disqualified.

Unwillingness to Make Lifestyle Changes:

Bariatric surgery is a tool that aids weight loss, but it’s not a magic solution. Individuals must commit to significant lifestyle changes, including dietary modifications and regular physical activity. If a candidate is willing to adopt these changes, the surgery’s potential benefits might be maintained, leading to disqualification.

Substance Abuse:

Substance abuse, including alcohol and drugs, can hinder the success of bariatric surgery. These substances can interfere with the healing process and jeopardize the desired outcomes. Candidates with ongoing substance abuse issues might be disqualified or asked to address these problems before being considered for surgery.

Unrealistic Expectations:

Having unrealistic weight loss expectations after surgery can lead to dissatisfaction and psychological distress. Candidates expecting a complete transformation or rapid weight loss without effort might not be suitable for bariatric surgery. A balanced perspective on the surgery’s outcomes is crucial.

Inadequate Previous Weight Loss Attempts:

Bariatric surgery is usually considered when other weight loss attempts have been unsuccessful. Candidates who have yet to try conventional weight loss methods, such as diet and exercise, may be asked to exhaust these options before being considered for surgery.

Age and Developmental Factors:

Age can be a determining factor in candidacy for bariatric surgery. Adolescents are generally advised to wait until their bodies fully mature before undergoing weight loss surgery. Additionally, older adults might face increased surgical risks due to age-related health issues.

Surgical Risks:

Some individuals may be disqualified from surgery due to an increased risk of complications. These risks could arise from previous surgeries, specific anatomical considerations, or medical conditions that make surgery excessively hazardous.


It is a temporary disqualifying factor for bariatric surgery. Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the near future are usually advised to postpone surgery until after childbirth and the postpartum period.

The Final Words!

Bariatric surgery has the potential to offer significant benefits to individuals struggling with obesity and related health conditions. However, only some people meet the criteria for undergoing such a procedure. Medical, psychological, and lifestyle factors all play a crucial role in determining whether someone is a suitable candidate for bariatric surgery.

Individuals considering this option should consult with qualified healthcare professionals at the Royal Cosmetic Surgery Clinic who can assess their unique circumstances and guide them toward the most appropriate treatment path, whether it involves surgery or alternative approaches to weight loss and health improvement.

Obesity Treatment in Islamabad: Getting obese due to stress?

 Maintaining a healthy weight can be very difficult when you’re under a lot of stress. You might be unable to lose weight as a result of it. The correlation between stress and weight gain is unmistakable. It’s due to elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol, unhealthy stress-induced behaviours, or a combination of the two. You can combat stress and the unwelcome impact it can have on your eating habits by using self-care techniques like mindfulness, journaling, and exercise. Obesity Treatment in Islamabad: Getting obese due to stress? is a very common manifestation of depression. But many people cannot easily get over from weight gain that results from stress. This blog will explain the many cosmetic procedures you can adopt to get away from obesity or extra weight.

Cortisol Can Lead to Weight Gain

Your body experiences an increase in energy as a result of cortisol stimulating your metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. Although this process is necessary for survival situations, it also makes you more hungry. A craving for sweet, fatty, and salty foods can also be brought on by high cortisol levels. So instead of eating a balanced meal, you’re more likely to indulge in french fries and a milkshake. Additionally, too much cortisol can cause your body to produce less testosterone. Your body may burn fewer calories as a result and your muscle mass may decline. 

What is the General Cause of Obesity?

Obesity refers to an imbalance of consumption and utilization of energy; positive energy balance. It is not all about eating habits and physical activity; rather, the obesity paradox is multifactorial. The causes of disturbed energy balance vary from physical, psychological, metabolic, and neurological to hormonal impairments. Such a vast pathological framework requires a careful diagnosis and treatment to get back to a healthy lifestyle.

Treatment Option for Weight Gain Due To Obesity:

Dietary Changes:

When someone consumes more calories than they burn, it can lead to weight gain and fat storage. This may result in weight gain in the long run. A person can lose weight by consuming fewer refined, processed, and prepared foods. While increasing their intake of whole grains and other high-fibre foods, they must avoid foods that are high in sugar and fat. This also comprises recent production.

Avoid Crash-dieting

The following risks come with attempting to lose weight quickly through crash dieting:

  • Potentially emerging health issues
  • There can be vitamin deficiencies.
  • Healthy weight loss is more challenging to accomplish.

Weight-loss Medications:

Sometimes a doctor will recommend medication to help a patient lose weight, such as orlistat. But they typically only act in this way if exercise and dietary modifications have not produced weight loss. The person’s weight is seriously endangering their health.


The goal of weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is to reduce a person’s food intake and calorie absorption by removing or altering a portion of their stomach or small intestine. This can aid in weight loss and lower the risk of obesity-related metabolic syndrome conditions like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic disorders.

Gastric sleeve or gastric band:

Reduction in the size of the stomach in size by the surgeon using a gastric sleeve or gastric band. Your doctor may only allow you to eat about a cup of food at a time. This significantly reduces dietary intake. In order to help you control your food intake, gastric sleeve surgery in Islamabad typically involves vertically removing the majority of your stomach during keyhole surgery. The gastric sleeve operation is long-lasting. When a medical condition prevents the use of another type of bariatric surgery, your surgeon may use laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

When a person undergoes a gastric bypass, stapling of the top of the stomach happens. This will form a small pouch that is then connected to the small intestine. You will feel full after eating less because the pouch is smaller and the rest of the stomach is not used. In contrast to those that promote hunger, hormones that promote satisfaction rise.

Gastric bypass:

In particular, the first portion of the small intestine’s middle section can be skipped over thanks to the procedure. Additionally, the stomach’s size might be reduced. A gastric band’s reduced invasiveness compared to gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgery in Islamabad is one of the main differences between the two procedures. It stimulates the top of the stomach’s nerve endings with a band. The brain is deceived into believing the stomach is full. By doing so, you can eat smaller portions and still feel full. To fill your band and maintain the restriction as it loosens around your receding stomach, you must schedule follow-up appointments.

Hormonal treatment:

Hormone therapy may one day help people who are obese. Gut hormones may change as a result of bariatric surgery. Your doctor may use these hormones to create innovative, non-surgical solutions. According to the researchers, combining a few hormones could produce a powerful remedy. Hence, hormonal therapy is also a god option. 

Book Your Consultation:

Obesity can lead you to social segregation. It can also lessen your self-confidence and affect your self-esteem. Hence, are you also thinking of getting obesity treatment in Islamabad? You are at the right place. Get the best obesity treatment at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Clinic. Dr. Naveed Azhar is a board-certified surgeon who will help you get rid of your excess fat. So, book your consultation with us. Call us directly or fill out the form given below.  


How did Belkyra treatment become the best?

 Is having a double chin something you get tired of? Have you tried face yoga, a strict diet, and exercise to get rid of the obstinate fat deposits under your chin? Given that Belkyra Treatment in Islamabad is the best treatment option for you. Belkyra is the only treatment for a double chin that has received FDA approval. A non-invasive injectable is used to treat submental fullness under the chin. This blog will explain you the story of as How did Belkyra treatment become the best?

What is Belkyra Treatment?

To reduce the amount of extra fat under the chin, the nonsurgical injectable technique known as the Belkyra treatment is applied. A deoxycholic acid derivative is used in its operation. In the area where it is injected, this results in fewer fat cells. Considering that it is non-invasive and has a high rate of patient satisfaction, the technique is very well-liked.

Ideal Candidates:

Before choosing whether to proceed or not, you must ascertain whether you are an ideal candidate for the Belkyra Treatment in Islamabad:

  • if it is apparent you have a double chin.
  • If you want to draw attention to the shape or profile of your face.
  • you must be at least 18 years old.
  • whether you need to lose the extra fat under your chin.
  • Unless you suffer from a serious illness like liver syndrome.
  • if you are in good mental and physical health.
  • if you do not desire to have surgery to remove your double chin.
  • if your mother isn’t breastfeeding and neither are you.
  • Unless you have loose, sagging skin.
  • If you’re expecting a reasonable result from the Belkyra Treatment.

Pre-Procedure Measures:

There is non-surgical Kybella treatment for double chin in Islamabad, but it is recommended to prepare beforehand for the best outcomes. During your appointment, your doctor will go over the specific pre-procedure instructions you must adhere to. These recommendations include the following:

  • Avoid drinking alcohol for about 48 hours prior to surgery.
  • Avoid using aspirin or other blood thinners for at least a week prior to the procedure.
  • Avoid smoking for about a week prior to therapy.
  • Before the therapy, you should thoroughly wash your face. It helps you stop the spread of any infection.


Less than 20 minutes are needed to complete the process. Despite not requiring anaesthesia, pain can be reduced by applying a numbing lotion. Your physician will mark the treatment area where Kybella filler must be injected. The number of shots you would need would depend on your specific needs. Your doctor’s filler for your skin dissolves and absorbs dietary fat. Once fat is removed, it cannot be replaced.

After Care:

A method must be completed to produce the desired results. You also need to care for the treated areas as directed by your doctor. Typical aftercare instructions for Belkyra treatment in Islamabad are provided here!

  • Use caution when massaging the area that has been treated.
  • To reduce swelling and bruising, use cold compresses for about 15 minutes.
  • For a period of two to three days, keep yourself elevated.
  • For the wounds to remain clean, wash your face frequently.
  • Use the prescription drugs to get rid of the discomfort.
  • For about three days following surgery, refrain from engaging in any strenuous activity, including going to the gym.


Before considering Kybella therapy for double chin removal, it is critical to understand its benefits. Among these benefits are

  • It involves only a small amount of intrusion.
  • Nothing about it hurts.
  • It is feasible to deliver the therapy without any form of anaesthesia.
  • It doesn’t run the risk of leaving scars like other traditional surgical procedures do.
  • It is not necessary to go through a difficult and protracted recovery process.
  • Infection danger is nonexistent.
  • No downtime is required.


The feedback from our customers has been overwhelmingly positive. Bylkera Treatment in Islamabad eliminates the double chin by reducing the extra fat beneath the chin. However, it is ineffective for treating loose skin or getting rid of neckbands. The majority of people require 4 to 5 sessions in order to see the desired results. There are several skin-tightening procedures available to address loose skin. Liposuction, however, might be your best option if you suffer from both sagging skin and a double chin.


The cost of typical Kybella treatment for a double chin varies. This estimate could be impacted by a variety of therapies and the practitioner’s fee. Given that it is a cosmetic procedure, insurance coverage is not anticipated. Re-injection and upkeep can sometimes be more expensive than a single chin augmentation procedure.

Plan A Consultation

The most recent Belkyra Treatment in Islamabad is offered by Royal Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Islamabad at a competitive price under the supervision of skilled and experienced cosmetic doctors. You can schedule a consultation at our clinic to find out more about this double chin treatment in Islamabad or the best course of action for you. Initial consultations with our patients are complimentary. Schedule your consultation now by completing the form below.

How much does Vaser 4D liposuction cost in Islamabad, Pakistan?


With liposuction, get rid of the extra, undesired fat. With VASER 4D liposuction Body Sculpting in Islamabad, you can achieve a ripped chest, well-defined abs, and flanks that significantly increase your physical attractiveness to men.

A more athletic profile can be achieved by using the cutting-edge body reshaping technology Vaser 4D liposuction, which also successfully eliminates fat. The main purpose of this minimally invasive therapy is to break up and remove extra volume from any area of the body using ultrasonic waves. People who want to have a sculpted and defined physique are the majority of patients for this operation.

Ideal Candidates:

Like any highly specialized method, 4D is best suited to particular people with particular objectives.

  • Patients who are in good physical condition
  • Those who have decent muscular tone
  • Those who are within around 15 pounds of their optimal body weight see the best effects.
  • The ability of your skin to contract easily to expose the sharply defined outlines obtained by the operation depends on your skin’s elasticity.
  • To lower your chance of surgical complications, you should also not smoke or be willing to stop for a month before and following surgery.

Liposuction: To remove Excessive Fat:

Liposuction, which also goes by the names Lipoplasty, Suction Lipectomy, and Liposculpture, is a surgical operation used to remove the extra fat deposits under your skin using a variety of methods. Each person has troublesome body parts that don’t react to diet and exercise. Areas, where liposuction is most effective, include some of the following:

  • Chin
  • Chest
  • top arms
  • Stomach
  • and love handles
  • Hips
  • Butts
  • Thighs
  • Knees

4D VASER Liposuction: Well-Defined Sculpted Look

It takes a lot of effort to get a sculpted body. The wonderfully sculpted style is coveted by both men and women. Your figure is highly sexy if you have a ripped chest, defined abs, and flanks.

As a result, 4D VASER liposuction is a cutting-edge method of body contouring that reduces fat while also enhancing the natural shapes of the underlying muscle structure to give you a lean, athletic body. It will highlight the muscular characteristics as well as aid in obtaining a well-defined physique.

The fat cells are broken down by sound waves during VASER liposuction. By using liposuction, these cells are then eliminated. VASER Liposuction is more precise and less painful than standard liposuction because it targets fat cells specifically.

Is Vaser Liposuction Better Than Traditional Liposuction?

  • Over conventional liposuction, Vaser 4D liposuction offers additional technological benefits. The Vaser liposuction procedure’s outcomes are determined by the surgeon using the device, their experience, artistry, and evaluation.
  • Vaser 4D lipo is more likely to provide more volume reduction, smoother results, and better-contoured results in cases of large volume Vaser liposuction, high definition liposuction, and problematic locations.

Working principle of VASER 4D Liposuction:

The fundamental principle behind all forms of liposuction is the same.

Saline solution, cannulas, and anaesthetic are used to break up and remove fat deposits from your body from beneath the skin. In order to break up the fat deposits before the suction treatment, water pressure and lasers are two options. One such approach uses ultrasonic waves that pulse. One form of ultrasonic liposuction is the VASER method.

  • As a result of the heat produced by all of these energy sources, the treated area’s skin is only slightly tightened and the fat cells are broken up to make removal simpler.
  • It is special that VASER liposuction enables your doctor to remove fat in a method that is both delicate and incredibly precise.
  • The underlying healthy tissue is not harmed, but the connection between your fatty tissue and muscles is broken.
  • This enhances VASER liposuction’s standing as a body-sculpting technique.
  • Research demonstrates that liposuction alters your metabolism’s ability to burn fat.


  • For both big and small areas, a targeted and accurate procedure (including delicate areas e.g. chin and inner thighs)
  • less likely to harm nearby structures because it is minimally invasive
  • decrease in downtime and speedier recovery
  • fast outcomes


Vaser 4D liposuction cost in Islamabad varies and may depend upon various factors. Cosmetic surgery known as VASER liposuction is regarded as an elective. Accordingly, your insurance won’t pay for it. Your provider will be able to outline the anticipated costs at your initial consultation. Be careful to enquire about any extra fees that you’ll be responsible for covering on your own, such as anaesthesia. Liposuction recovery isn’t instantaneous. So the final cost may also consist of the recovery fee as well.

Why Choose RCS for 4D Vaser Liposuction?

You might merely enhance your appearance with the wide selection of skin, hair, and body treatments offered by the Royal Cosmetic Clinic in Islamabad. For other major surgeries, you can choose from a number of financing options, and the bulk of our treatments are affordably priced.

As “offering the finest care to patients” is the common goal of every member of our staff, we further guarantee that you will receive the best treatment possible here. This was revealed to us after reading countless glowing reviews from our clients, who like our products, rates, and level of service.

Book Your Appointment:

Please contact our doctors for more details about 4D Vaser liposuction in Islamabad. To make an appointment with us, please fill out our brief form or give us a call. Our assistance with your intricate aesthetic issues will be an honour.

Schedule your appointment with Dr. Naveed Azhar by calling us or completing the consultation form. He is an internationally renowned surgeon who has an experience of more than 20 years. You will get the best experience of your life by choosing us.

Cost of Bariatric Surgery in Islamabad


When food and exercise have failed to help patients lose weight, bariatric surgery offers an additional option. Although those patients are meeting the necessary medical requirements. By altering the digestive system, surgical techniques known as bariatric surgery help patients lose weight. Any number of operations, including gastric bypass and other weight loss treatments, are also called “bariatric surgery” procedures. This article will explain to you about Cost of Bariatric Surgery in Islamabad.

Three types of surgical operations are there:

  • Stomach sleeve
  • Stomach bypass
  • Flexible gastric band

A fourth procedure called biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch is less frequently used by surgeons.

Why Do Bariatric Procedures Perform?

Having bariatric surgery can assist people who are extremely overweight. They can lose weight and reduce their chance of developing serious, life-threatening health issues, including:

  • Heart condition
  • Stroke
  • elevated blood pressure
  • Alcohol-unrelated fatty liver disease
  • Slumber apnea
  • diabetes type 2

Keep in mind that not everyone who is overweight should undergo bariatric surgery. Medical requirements must be met. It is often recommended when other weight-loss strategies, such as modifying your diet and exercising more, don’t work.

Ideal Candidates:

In general, you might be a candidate for bariatric surgery if:

  • You have a body mass index (BMI) of at least 40. This is the case of extreme obesity.
  • You have obesity-related serious health issues. These conditions are type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or severe sleep apnea.
  • If your BMI is between 30 and 34 and you have major weight-related health issues. You might be eligible for some types of weight-loss surgery.

Not everyone who is extremely overweight should have bariatric surgery. To be eligible for weight-loss surgery, you might need to fulfill specific medical requirements. You’ll probably go through a rigorous screening process to discover if you qualify. To live a healthier lifestyle, you must also be prepared to make long-term adjustments.

What to Expect Before the Procedure:

You will consult with a number of medical specialists prior to surgery, including a bariatric surgeon.

  • A comprehensive physical examination, questions about your medical history, and a blood test request will all be performed by the internist.
  • If you smoke, you might benefit from quitting at least six weeks before your operation if you do.
  • The nutritionist will help you get ready for how your life will change following surgery by outlining what and how much you can eat and drink.
  • If you choose to have weight-loss surgery, the psychiatrist or psychologist may evaluate your readiness for the obstacles involved.

Types of Bariatric Surgery:

Different bariatric procedures function by limiting the quantity of food a stomach can hold, decreasing the body’s capacity to absorb nutrients or a combination of the two.

Gastric Bypass:

The gastric bypass technique is one of the most widely used types of bariatric surgery. Simply said, there are two steps to the procedure.

  1. A little pouch first divides the top of the stomach from the rest of the stomach.
  2. When the first segment of the small intestine is divided, the bottom end is joined to the newly created little pouch in the stomach.
  3. The food stream is changed, which affects gut hormones, and the bottom of the small intestine is then connected to the top section of the divided small intestine.
  4. This method reduces the amount of food the stomach can hold while also inhibiting the absorption of calories and nutrients.


  1. dependable and durable weight loss
  2. Effective for the remission of diseases linked to obesity
  3. Standardized and honed technique

Sleeve Gastrectomy:

The stomach is removed in about 80 percent of cases with a sleeve gastrectomy. A sleeve, or tube-shaped bag, is all that is left. The stomach can no longer hold as much food since it is smaller. The ghrelin hormone, which controls appetite, is also produced less.


  1. Minimal surgical time and simple technical requirements
  2. It is possible to perform on some people with high-risk medical problems.
  3. For patients with severe obesity, this procedure might be used as the first step.

Gastric Bond:

An inflatable band is wrapped around the top of the stomach using the adjustable gastric band, creating a smaller pouch above. Patients feel full more quickly and less food can be stored. The band gets smaller over time as modifications are made repeatedly.


  1. low incidence of complications soon after surgery
  2. Neither the stomach nor the intestines are divided
  3. On the day of surgery, patients are allowed to return home.
  4. In case of need, the band may be taken off.

How is the Procedure Carried Out?

  • Most weight-loss surgeries are performed laparoscopically. They typically involve minor incisions, while under general anesthetic.
  • The surgeon can insert tiny instruments and a scope with a camera. This will be attached and projects images onto a video monitor through these incisions.
  • Compared to open surgery, laparoscopic surgery offers fewer risks. They may result in less discomfort and scarring.
  • Laparoscopic surgery may also result in a quicker recovery.
  • For some patients, open surgery, which requires a single major incision in the belly, may be preferable to laparoscopic surgery.
  • If you are:
    • extremely obese
    • have had stomach surgery in the past
    • or suffer from other complicated medical conditions, you might require open surgery.

Expectations After Surgery:

  • You will need to rest and heal following surgery. You might recover more rapidly if you walk around the house and move around. Start out cautiously and heed the advice of your healthcare provider regarding the kind of physical exercise you can engage in without risk. Increase your level of physical exercise as you get more at ease.
  • You’ll probably begin a liquid diet after surgery. You will gradually transition to a soft diet that includes things like cottage cheese, yogurt, or soup over the course of a few weeks. You’ll eventually start eating solid foods once more. Your doctor will advise you on which meals and drinks you can consume and which you should stay away from. You must chew your food thoroughly and have modest meals.

Cost of Bariatric Surgery:

The Cost of Bariatric Surgery in Islamabad may range from PKR 400,000 to PKR 800,000. The cost may depend upon several factors like:

  • Type of the procedure
  • The locality of the clinic
  • Experience of the doctor
  • Certain additional charges

Why Choose Us for Bariatric Surgery?

Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad is offering the best services in the field of cosmetic surgery. Dr. Naveed Azhar is one of the best cosmetic surgeons. So are you looking for the Cost of Bariatric Surgery in Islamabad then you can book your first consultation with us. Call us directly or fill out the form below.

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