What is the eyelid surgery cost in Pakistan

Eyelid surgery in Islamabad is a cosmetic approach performed to address sagging skin and blemishes or remove excess fat and skin from that specific area in order to increase the seductiveness and create a youthful look. The ageing factor and poor lifestyle lose elasticity, produce under-eyes bags and lead to imperfections such as wrinkles and fine lines. Interested to know about the expense of this surgical intervention? Then give it a read!

Reveal The Perfection Of Your Look: Overview

Nowadays people want to address every aesthetic concern to defeat ageing signs and maintain a youthful glow. This specific treatment is carried out to add to the perfection and magnificence of the eyes by dealing with dropping appearances and decreasing wrinkles and fine lines.

Aim Of The Method:

The primary purpose of undergoing this surgical method is to address cosmetic concerns, fix droopy or aged looks, fade dark circles and enhance the perfection of vision.

Embrace A Beautiful Look: Core Benefits

  • Deals with defects and droopy appearance
  • Creates a youthful and seductive look
  • Restore the glamour and aesthetic appeal
  • A customised approach, extending optimal results
  • Offers long-lasting and natural-looking outcomes
  • A surgical yet feasible approach

How Much Does Eyelid Surgery Cost in Pakistan?

The cost of eyelid surgery in Pakistan ranges from PKR 150,000. The overall price may increase or decrease because of a few factors. You can visit or book your appointment at RCS Islamabad for further information regarding this approach and its expenses

Factors Affecting The Price:

Scope Of Procedure

The requirements of every person differ from person to person. Some people experience superficial and some experience intensive symptoms. Given that, the scope of the treatment varies from person to person and so is the cost.

The Expertise Of A Surgeon

An experienced practitioner will charge more as compared to a novice surgeon. You should never compromise on this factor and strive to get the services of an experienced professional in order to obtain optimal results. Though you have to spend more but it is worth considering.

The Clinic’s Location

The location of the clinic also adds up to the overall price mainly because of the expenses limited to that area such as rental values of properties or inflation, etc. 

Pre and Post- Operative Care

If you get sessions before and after your treatment, you will have to pay more. You may reduce the number of pre or post-operative sessions but cannot altogether eliminate them. 

Additional Procedure

Sometimes people also consider facelift or brow lift techniques besides this surgical intervention. These additional techniques are not free of cost. You are required to pay further if you undergo any of these procedures.

Who Is A Suitable Candidate?

  • People dealing with excess skin because of the ageing factor
  • Individuals aiming to treat under-eye bags
  • Candidates intending to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • If someone wants to address the ageing signs
  • People who have realistic expectations
  • Individuals with no serious eye conditions

Summing Up:

Eyelid surgery in Islamabad is a cosmetic procedure carried out to address related cosmetic concerns, add to youthfulness and improve the aesthetics of your facial appearance. People dealing with sagging skin and improving facial appearance, especially eyes, must consider this cosmetic method.  Normally, you will have to spend somewhere between PKR to PKR. The price may differ because of a few factors such as the scope and the expertise of a practitioner.

Schedule your appointment at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad to rejuvenate your facial appearance by removing your skin-related imperfections. We at RCS extend specific treatments and bring about your desired results. Visit our clinic, get a consultation session and let us revitalise your appearance!


What is the eyelid surgery cost in Pakistan?

Normally, this is a safe procedure especially if you get the services of a skilled professional. We cannot ignore the possibility of negative effects such as abnormal positioning.
People look younger, attractive and more confident after getting this surgical treatment. Given that, it is a good idea to undergo this treatment in order to increase the artfulness of your personality.
The cost of eyelid surgery in Pakistan starts from 110,000 PKR. The overall price can alter from person to person because of a few price-determining factors.