What is the cost of a breast lift in Pakistan

A delightful transformation awaits you in the form of a breast lift in Pakistan.  If you are concerned about your sagging and droopy breasts and want to gain nice-looking, proportionate, and properly contoured breasts, then breast lift can realize your expectations. 

Let’s Unravel The Theory of Breast Lift

Well! The cosmetic procedure used to rejuvenate the appearance and revive the seductiveness of breasts is called breast lift. This procedure is also known as mastopexy. This aesthetic procedure is carried out to address sagging breasts and flabby chests. It offers exuberance and fuller and positioned breasts, and by improving the posture and shape of breasts, this surgical treatment provides a youthful and confident appearance.

Breast Lift in Pakistan: Top Benefits

  • Restores firmness and improves the aesthetics of breasts
  • Improves body posture and projection of breasts
  • Offers a youthful and revitalized appearance
  • Eliminates the discomfort caused by sagging breasts
  • Customized and desired results can be attained through breast lift

Breast Lift: Procedure

A certified and experienced surgeon holds an initial meeting with the patient in order to analyze specific goals and expectations of a specific person. This initial assessment helps the surgeon to determine the most appropriate surgical procedure. Anesthesia is then used to make the surgery smooth and pain-free. The surgeon then goes to make incisions at predetermined areas of the skin to lift and reshape the breast tissues. After making incisions, excess skin may be removed or reduced to improve the shape and contour of breasts. The surgeon can also reposition the nipples if it is required. After completing the required procedure, incisions are closed with sutures.

What is the cost of a breast lift in Pakistan?

The cost of this surgical procedure varies from place to place because it depends on a few factors. As variation happens in those factors, the cost changes. Generally, the cost bracket for breast lifts in Pakistan stretches from  PKR 150,000 to PKR 250,000. 

Factors Affecting The Cost of Breast Lift

  • Complexity of the procedure
  • The location of the clinic
  • Facilities available in the clinic
  • A surgeon’s experience
  • Additional procedures
  • Post-operative Medication

Who Is a Suitable Candidate?

  • If your breasts have lost firmness and attractiveness
  • If your nipples are descended below the breast crease
  • If your breasts lack the required volume and do not make you feel comfortable 
  • If you are determined to augment the shape and contour of your breasts
  • If you understand the required procedure and associated complications
  • If you have realistic expectations
  • If you are ready to follow post-operative instructions

How Long Will Breast Lift Results Last?

Breast lift is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the shape, size, and position of breasts. As the treatment involves surgery and excess skin might be reduced or removed from the body, making the procedure a permanent solution as it offers long-lasting and enduring results. So, if you undergo this surgical procedure, you will have contoured, tight, and desired breasts for a more extended period. It means this treatment also lowers aging signs by treating sagging breasts.

Post-Operative Instructions

  • Only use a compression garment or supportive surgical bra to provide support to the breasts
  • Take prescribed medicines to manage pain or discomfort
  • Avoid strenuous activities to reduce strain
  • Keep the treated area dry and clean
  • Apply recommended ointments to foster the healing process
  • Be very careful while sleeping and prefer sleeping on your back
  • Keep visiting your practitioner for proper evaluation of the treated area

The Bottom Line!

Breast lift in Pakistan is a surgical procedure used to improve the position and proposition of sagging breasts. This treatment rejuvenates the body’s appearance and improves an individual’s personal representation. Women seeking to restore the charm of tight, contoured, and voluminous breasts can benefit from this process. When it comes to the cost of a breast lift, no single amount can be predicted because the cost of this procedure depends on several cost-determining factors, such as the complexity of the process, etc. 

Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad offers custom-made solutions to fulfill your breast-related objectives. Whether your breasts have lost volume or aging factors have reduced their charm, visit Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad to reclaim the original contour of your breasts and improve your personal representation.