Front Line Hair Fixing

Everyone understands the significance of a fuller hair scalp and its impact on their personalities and self-images. Baldness or receding hairlines seems a painless phenomenon, but people who are observing this issue may inform you about the negative effects of this phenomenon on their personalities.  Especially front hairline contributes significantly to our personalities, improves facial appearance, and generates a feeling of self-assurance.

 Hair loss from front hairlines may diminish your self-esteem and hairstyle habits, leading to a dull and demotivated posture. If you are losing your front-line hair, this blog is for you. You will get the idea about  front-line hair fixing and how much grafts would be required to reinstate the charm of the front-line hair area.

Defining Hair Grafts!

Hair-bearing tissues are called grafts. Each graft can contain up to one to several hair follicles and other necessary tissues required for hair growth. These grafts are extracted from donor sites such as the back and both sides of the scalp. Grafts are basically individual units that contain hair follicles and are transplanted into the bald patches of the scalp to restore natural hair growth

Procedures used To Transplant Hair Grafts:

Hair transplantation in Islamabad is carried out to extract hair follicles or grafts from a donor site and transplant hair into the recipient site of the scalp. 

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

A thin strip of healthy hair-bearing skin is removed from the donor site and transplanted into the bald areas of the scalp during this procedure. Before transplanting hair into the recipient site, acquired strips are dissected to separate individual hair follicles, and then these hair follicles are transplanted precisely to get the proper density 

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Individual hair grafts are directly extracted from the donor site of the scalp by using a small punch tool. Then these grafts are meticulously placed into the recipient site after making small incisions. This treatment produces no linear scar and is comparatively considered better because of its short downtime. 

How Many Grafts Would I Need For My Front Line Hair Fixing?

Well! The number of grafts required for front-line hair fixing varies from person to person. It depends on a number of factors, such as the extent of front-line hair loss, existing hair density, required hairline appearance, and specific objectives of an individual. Generally, 800 to 1500 grafts are considered suitable for front-line hair areas. Your surgeon will determine your specific requirements based on your specific conditions, requirements, and objectives. 

Front Line Hair Fixing: Benefits

  • This treatment improves your facial appearance and harmony
  • You will observe a rejuvenated feeling and boost in your confidence
  • This procedure offers you a more youthful look and makes your look younger
  • This is a permanent treatment, leading to natural hair growth permanently 
  • You will get your desired treatment based on your specific requirements

Am I A Suitable Candidate?

  • If your hairlines are receding
  • If you have lost the glamour of your personality
  • If you want to regain your lost hair
  • If you have realistic expectations
  • If you are healthy and medically fit

Then you are a suitable candidate and can proceed to have this treatment.

How Much Front Line Hair Fixing Cost?

The cost of this treatment is determined based on the number of grafts required to restore lost hair, the required hair density, the location of the clinic, and the surgeon’s experience.

The Bottom Line!

Front-line hair fixing improves your personality by addressing your hair loss concerns. Hair loss or baldness damages your personality and lifestyle, and treating this condition reverses the situation and makes you confident and self-assured. Additionally, the number of grafts differs for each person based on certain conditions, including the extent of front-line hair loss, density, and goals. Normally, 800 to 1500 grafts are considered enough to fix hair loss issues at the front line area.

Visit Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad to say goodbye to hair loss and restore the original and natural-looking hair lines. We at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad offer state of the art treatments to eliminate your health and aesthetic concerns and improve your lifestyle.