More women than ever before choose to have a breast augmentation operation. In the past, women believed that the only method to improve the appearance of their breasts was to obtain implants, but this is no longer the case. Breast lift procedures outnumber implant surgeries by a rate of two to one. Royal Cosmetic Clinic is offering a surgery that can Augment and lift up with breast implants in Islamabad.
In this blog post, you will learn everything about breast augmentation and lifting surgery with implants. It will include its work, results, and suitability. So, take a moment and read the following details.
An Overview – Breast Augmentation:
A breast lift and augmentation procedure together can give women the larger, rounder, firmer, and more youthful-looking breasts they desire. Our plastic surgeons frequently suggest that women who desire breast augmentation also get a breast lift to move their nipples out of the way so they don’t point downward.
At the Royal Cosmetic Clinic, we immediately perform breast augmentation and mastopexy to place our patients’ nipples in a more youthful, central position. When a breast lift alone may not be sufficient to achieve a woman’s cosmetic goals, an implant increases the volume of the breast, especially its upper pole.
How Does It Work?
According to our experts, two incisions are made to remove extra skin: one around the areola (the circle of pigment that surrounds the nipple) and one vertical from the areola’s low point to the base of the breast. Implants are normally positioned under the pectoral chest muscle and are inserted through the same incisions. Similar to normal breast augmentation, silicone or saline implants are available.
Due to the simultaneous adjustment of the breast volume and skin envelope, this procedure is rather complicated. It is associated with a higher rate of corrective surgery than either breast augmentation or breast lift (mastopexy) surgery alone, even though it can be a very satisfying procedure.
Successful Rate Of Results:
After getting surgery from an expert and experienced surgeon, the results will be effective, long-lasting and successful. It can vary from person to person because everyone doesn’t have the same concerns and achieving results level.
For the first two to five days following a breast lift with augmentation, most patients feel exhausted and sore. Although some swelling and discoloration may happen, these side effects often go away within the first two weeks. Some people experience tighter and more sensitive breasts, and their skin may also feel heated or itch.
Who Can Have This Surgery?
Before undergoing the surgery for that Augment and lift-up with breast implants in Islamabad, it is necessary to be the right candidate or if you are desiring for accurate shape.
The following are the most typical reasons for contemplating a breast lift with implants:
- Your breasts have reduced in size, shape, and firmness as a result of gravity, aging, pregnancy, or weight reduction.
- You want more symmetry and fullness since your breasts are clearly varied in size or shape.
- Your nipples and/or areolas are pointing downward or situated below the breast crease, and your breasts appear deflated.
If you are in good health, have kept a stable body weight, and have reasonable expectations and goals, you are probably a good candidate for a breast lift with augmentation. On the other side, breastfeeding and pregnant women aren’t eligible candidates.
The Bottom Line!
Therefore, a breast lift is a basic treatment that lifts the breast, adjusts the nipple and areola, and removes extra skin. The final appearance is perkier, which is particularly liked by women who have sagging breasts.
A breast lift and implants might be combined to maximize your surgical results. When you additionally get a breast lift, which will place the breasts appropriately and give them shape, you don’t need to add as much volume to the implant. Your breasts will look better and grow in cup size when these two procedures are combined rather than just one.
If you want to get it done by experts and a reputable clinic then feel free to consult Royal Cosmetic Clinic. They are highly professional and give you satisfying results.
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